“Hello everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Kim Setzer. My husband, Henry and I just purchased the Haas cabin last December, but I grew up coming to this lake. My grandparents, Lloyd and Gladys Boyer built the first cabin on White Birch Point in the early fifties. They were good friends with Everett and Lola Baker and I believe both built their cabins around the same time. My mother, Betty Roller (with my dad, Paul Roller) and her brother and wife, Ed and Fern Boyer inherited the cabin. When Ed passed away, the cabin was sold around 1988. Many happy memories were made here on Lynx Lake. I remember the night Grandpa caught a muskie. He came running up the hill, whooping and hollering with excitement. It had been his dream to catch one. I spent the night with the Baker granddaughters one time at their cabin. We heard something clunking around outside. A skunk had its head caught in a mason jar. Everett picked the skunk up by taking hold of the jar. He then broke the jar to free the skunk. The little guy waddled off, never leaving his scent. Henry and I have visited Larry & Tari McGriff at their cabin a couple of times and in September of 2019, saw the Haas cabin for sale. Long story, short, here we are again at Lynx Lake ready to make more memories with our family. We hope to meet you all sometime when things are more normal and look forward to whenever you are able to have an annual meeting. “
Welcome to the lake! I enjoyed reading about your childhood experiences on the lake. Next year, hopefully, we can be a little more social and have our meeting. I am glad you have found our website.
Welcome neighbors. Glad to have you back to the lake.