Lynx Lake Conservation Foundation



Sec. 1. The name of the organization shall be the LYNX LAKE CONSERVATION FOUNDATION, INC., a registered Wisconsin, non-stock, 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit corporation, and shall have its principal office in Presque Isle, Wisconsin.
Sec. 2. The mission of the Foundation is to preserve, maintain, and enhance Lynx Lake. The Foundation shall be limited to only those activities that are of mutual interest and benefit to the Foundation as a whole and by direction of its membership, and approved by the board of directors.


Sec. 1. Membership to this Foundation is open to all, and shall consist of individuals who make a financial contribution. Voting members shall be those who have made an annual financial contribution.


Sec. 1. Contributions are voluntary, and the amount of contribution is at the discretion of the individual. A contribution is not a requirement for attendance at any Lynx Lake Conservation Foundation meeting or event. However, only members with an annual contribution can be voting members.

Sec. 2. Periodically Lynx Lake Conservation Foundation may ask for voluntary contributions to be used in fulfilling its mission statement. On such occasions these funds will only be used for the specific purpose for which they were solicited. All such solicitations must be voted upon at the annual meeting and approved by the Board of Directors. It will be the Board’s responsibility to ensure these funds are used as specified.

Sec. 3. The Board of Directors may accept on behalf of the Foundation any gift, contribution, or bequest, provided that they are used or expended for the benefit of the Foundation.


Sec. 1. The officers of the Foundation shall be: President, Vice President, and Treasurer- Secretary. The above officers shall be referred to as the Board of Directors.
Sec. 2. To facilitate and coordinate activities and communication between the Lynx Lake Property Owners Association (The Association) and the Foundation, the President of the Association shall serve on the board of the Foundation with a term of two years, running concurrent with their term on the Association Board. Two board members of the Foundation shall be elected to office at the time of the Foundation annual meeting, which will coincide with annual Lynx Lake Property Association annual meeting, and will serve a term of three years. The board members of the Foundation shall determine the officers of the Foundation. A vacancy on the Board of the Foundation shall be filled by appointment by the President until the next annual election of officers. If the President position becomes vacant prior to the annual meeting, the Vice President shall assume the responsibilities of the President.

Sec. 3. Any member may be nominated as a candidate from the floor providing that the nominated person is eligible for the position, there is a second to the nomination, and the candidate has agreed to serve. If the nominated person is unable to attend the annual meeting