Lynx Lake Property Owners Association





Sec. 1. The name of the organization shall be the LYNX LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS
ASSOCIATION, INC., a registered Wisconsin, not-for-profit Corporation and shall have
its principle office in Presque Isle, Wisconsin.
Sec. 2. The mission of the Association is to preserve and enhance Lynx Lake and its
environs in a spirit of cooperation and sociability. The Association shall be limited to
only those activities that are of mutual interest and benefit to the Association as a whole
and by direction of its membership.


Sec. 1. The members of this Association shall consist of tax paying property owners
around the shores of Lynx Lake and also tax paying property owners bordering Lynx
Lake, McDowell, or Baker Roads. Voting members shall be those who have contributed
annual dues.


Sec. 1. Annual dues are voluntary. The suggested annual dues shall be in the amount
of $25/per person or $50/per family and payable prior to or at the time of the annual Lynx
Lake Property Owners meeting. Dues are not a requirement for attendance at any Lynx
Lake Property Association meeting or event. However, only members with paid annual
dues can be voting members.
Sec. 2. Periodically Lynx Lake Property Owners may ask for voluntary contributions to
be used in fulfilling its mission statement. On such occasions these funds will only be
used for the specific purpose for which they were solicited. All such solicitations must be
voted upon at the annual meeting and approved by the Board of Directors. It will be the
Boards responsibility to ensure these funds are used as specified.
Sec. 3. The Board of Directors may accept on behalf of the Association any gift,
contribution or bequest provided that they are used or expended for the benefit of the


Sec. 1. The elective officers of the Association shall be: President; Vice President-
Treasurer-Secretary; Immediate Past President; and two Board Members. The above
officers shall be referred to as the Board of Directors.
Sec. 2. The officers shall be elected to office at the time of the annual meeting. The
President and the Vice President-Treasurer-Secretary shall be elected to a term of two
years. The Immediate Past President will serve on the Board of Directors for two years
after leaving office. The remaining board members shall serve for a one-year term. A
vacancy on the Board shall be filled by the President until the next annual election of
officers. If the President position becomes vacant prior to the annual meeting, the Vice
President-Treasurer-Secretary shall assume the responsibilities of the President.

Sec. 3. Any member may be nominated as a candidate from the floor providing that the
nominated person is eligible for the position; there is a second to the nomination; and the
candidate has agreed to serve. If the nominated person is unable to attend the annual
meeting they must submit in writing or verbally prior to the annual meeting to the Board
of Directors their willingness to serve.
Sec. 4. The policies of the Association shall be determined, directed, and managed by
its Board of Directors. Directors must be eligible for membership while serving on the


Sec. 1. The Association shall hold an annual meeting each year. The exact date and
location of the annual meeting will be determined by the Board of Directors. The Board
will provide written notice stating place, day and time of any meeting at least one month
prior to the meeting.
Sec. 2. Other membership meetings may be called by the Board of Directors. Any call
for a meeting shall state the purpose, time and place of the meeting, and shall be issued
in writing at least fifteen (15) days in advance.
Sec. 3. The Board of Directors will hold board meetings only when necessary to carry
out the functions of the Association or when required in the interest of the Association.
Sec. 4. Only one voting member shall be eligible to vote for each tax-paying property.
Where more than two persons are owners of a particular property, the decision to
designate voter identification is with those particular parties. Any individual cannot vote
more than once regardless of ownership on multiple tax-paying properties.
Sec. 5. A quorum of at least twenty five percent (25%) of voting members need to be
present in person or by proxy at any election, business meeting or amendment change
to the By Laws. All proxies need to be submitted to the Board prior to the annual
meeting. Email will be an acceptable form of proxy.
Sec. 6. Proxies will be accepted if signed by the voting member, dated and designating
the proxy voter.
Sec. 7. Voting shall be on an informal voice basis, except at elections where more than
one candidate is nominated or upon ballot vote request by the membership.


Sec. 1. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be recognized as the authority governing all
meetings when not in conflict with the By Laws.

Sec. 1. These By Laws may be amended at any membership meeting provided that a
quorum is present.


Sec. 1. Upon the dissolution or winding up of the affairs of the Association, the Board of
Directors after providing for payment of all obligations, shall distribute any remaining
assets, by direction of the membership.