Unusual clouds over Lynx Lake
Last week Susan Fabera took these pictures of an unusual cloud formations that appeared above Lynx Lake. If you didn’t get to see them in person, I thought you might enjoy the photographs.
Last week Susan Fabera took these pictures of an unusual cloud formations that appeared above Lynx Lake. If you didn’t get to see them in person, I thought you might enjoy the photographs.
In case anyone missed the annual meeting and has an interest in what was discussed, here are this year’s minutes below. Please click arrows (in lower left corner of document) to switch pages. Treasures Report
A few questions at the Annual Meeting were left unanswered: 1). Regarding Red Bass Lake, White Water Associates has it scheduled to be surveyed for aquatic plants August 5th. Their work schedule is weather dependent so it may vary by a few days. 2). There was a question regarding the effect of climate change on […]
Dianne and Jeff Martin are new home owners on Lynx Lake after purchasing the Wilde’s house on Peninsula Rd. If you see them on the Lake please be sure to say hello. Patty and Pete Bunce are not new residents of the Lake, but this was the first coffee they have been able to […]
The launch of your new website is now officially underway. We welcome your input as to what content you would like to have included. This will be a “work in progress” and hopefully, it will be a better more efficient way to keep you and your guests informed as to what is happening on our […]